Students Workers with Level I and III facilitated-access apprenticeship contracts
What it foreseest
These measures, described below, will be provided up to a ceiling of EUR 5,000,000 and will be available on a trial basis until 31 December 2024.
Students Workers with Level I and III facilitated-access apprenticeship contracts
Who is it for and what are the requirements?
Persons subject to international protection (refugee status, subsidiary protection and asylum seekers), temporary protection and special protection under the Employment Agency, or involved in training courses provided by Formatemp dedicated to them, are granted access to the Ebitemp Student Workers with Level I and III apprenticeship contracts" benefit with facilitated requirements, with a contribution for the purchase of learning materials (e.g. stationery).
The applicant must have signed a Level I and Level III apprenticeship employment contract or attended a dedicated training course provided by Formatemp pursuant to this Agreement (starting from 9 April 2022), during the term of this Agreement.
In the event the person is employed by an employment agency, the contribution shall be paid if he/she has had at least 1 day of a Level I or Level III apprenticeship contract, during the term of this Agreement (starting from 9 April 2022), and in any case starting from 1 September 2023 and by 31 August 2024 for the school or academic year 2023/2024, and starting from 1 September 2024 and by 31 December 2024 for the school or academic year 2024/2025.
In the event the subject is attending one of the training courses provided by Formatemp for this specific audience, the grant will be paid if he/she has attended at least 1 day of the course during the term of this Agreement (starting from 9 April 2022), and in any case starting from 1 September 2023 and by 31 August 2024 for the 2023/2024 school or academic year, and starting from 1 September 2024 and by 31 December 2024 for the 2024/2025 school or academic year.
The application may be submitted with effect from the 2023/2024 school or academic year and not for previous school years.
What are you entitled to?
A contribution worth EUR 200 before taxes required by law; for the purchase of books or other educational material (e.g. stationery).
Payment may be made to an IBAN card such as Poste Pay Evolution or by direct credit. For direct credit transfers, payment is permitted up to a maximum threshold of EUR 1,500; for higher amounts, an IBAN in the name of the person under international or temporary protection must be indicated.
Payments to non-SEPA foreign current accounts are not allowed.
What do you have to do?
The request, for those who have completed the requirements from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024, must be sent by 31 December 2024 for the 2023/2024 school or academic year, for those who have completed the requirements from 1 September 2024 to 31 December 2024 the request must be received by 30 April 2025 for the 2024/2025 school or academic year, in the following manner:
- through theMy Ebitemp* member's account, where you can monitor the progress of your application and upload any missing documentation;
*Please note that the only recognised method of receipt of applications received with the support of the Territorial Trade Union offices is through the MyEbitemp platform; registered post and certified emails are not accepted.
This benefit is subject to a ceiling of 5,000,000 euros (to cover the entire package of benefits for persons subject to international protection – refugee status, subsidiary protection and asylum seekers – temporary protection and special protection) and will be available on a trial basis until 31 December 2024.
If the required documentation is missing, Ebitemp will suspend the process and send the worker a request for additional documentation, which must be received within 120 calendar days. After this, if no additional documentation has been received, the application will be considered withdrawn and therefore rejected.
Required documentation
Documents to attach:
- Photocopy of an identity document (identity card or passport) and the tax code* of the person subject to international or temporary protection;
- Residence permit or a copy of the receipt attesting to the submission of an application for international protection (refugee status, subsidiary protection and asylum seekers), temporary protection or special protection;
- Self-declaration of attendance on the Formatemp training course (form on the Ebitemp website) or certificate of course attendance, if any;
- Declaration in lieu of certification of school enrolment (only schools in Italy will be recognised), (form downloadable directly from the Ebitemp website);
- Ebitemp privacy form
If the benefits are paid to a minor:
- family status or self-declaration available on the Ebitemp website.
Where the person subject to international, temporary or special protection is employed by an employment agency:
- A copy of the fixed-term work contract and any extensions, and the last pay slip;
- Copy of the open-ended work contract and last pay slip.
If the person under international, temporary or special protection is attending a Formatemp training course dedicated to this specific target group:
- Self-declaration of attendance on the Formatemp training course (form on the Ebitemp website) or certificate of course attendance, if any;
*if you are not in possession of a permanent tax code because you are still waiting for your international, temporary or special protection status to be recognised, you must produce a copy of the receipt attesting to the submission of your application for protection, which shows the temporary tax code assigned to you
Provisions common to all of the above extraordinary benefits
Please note that these support and reception measures may be allocated to recipients who have started FormaTemp training courses but have not yet been included in the skills audit. This also applies to applications already submitted and suspended due to lack of skills audit.
If the required documentation is missing, Ebitemp will suspend the process and send the request for additional documentation, which must be received within 120 calendar days, after which, if no additional documentation is received, the application will be considered to have lapsed and will be rejected.
If the application was not submitted using the correct benefit section of the portal/paper application form, the submitted application will be cancelled and a new application will have to be submitted in accordance with the deadlines set out in the relevant regulation. The date of receipt of the new submission will be the decisive date for processing the application.
In order to guarantee provision of the benefit, Ebitemp reserves the right to request further or different documentation, in addition to the documents listed above.
It should be noted that requests submitted by minors must be signed by someone with parental authority.
Ebitemp will monitor the overall trend of the individual extraordinary benefits dedicated to persons subject to international protection - refugee status, subsidiary protection and asylum seekers - Ebitemp will monitor the overall trend of the individual extraordinary benefits dedicated to persons subject to international protection - refugee status, subsidiary protection and asylum seekers - temporary protection and special protection, in order to assess the demand and possible corrective actions.
The assessment and approval of applications is subject to the sole discretion of the Performance Committee.
In order to protect its rights, Ebitemp reserves every right, including the right to take legal action, in the event of false declarations or forged documents or in any case in the event of behaviour that could potentially constitute a civil or criminal offence.